Watermelon lemonade and teacup cookies

It was DIFFICULT to get up this morning. I don't know what it was about this weekend but I stayed up till 2:30 am friday night talking to my parents after midnight saturday night and after 11 sunday night. Not the recipe for the best monday. So I was TIRED.

Luckily the day still went by really quickly. I am LOVING it here. Plus I knew tomorrow was a fake work day. We have a team building activity at the canyons tomorrow mountain biking, I love getting paid to do fun stuff!!! :) 

When I got home I made delicious dinner. Four cheese tortillini with a tomato artichoke sauce and watermelon lemonade!! WHAT?? AMAZING. Recipes here and here

Then Travis and I vegged watching house until Adrienne came over the watch the bachelorette. We ate more teacup cookies and laughed for hours. I am thinking Josh is going to win this one, thoughts?

Miles today: .5
Miles this year: 44.5

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