32 weeks already!

Wanted to do a little pregnancy update! I am already 32 weeks along, that sounds CRAZY! I cant beleive its gone this fast! Im not gonna lie I thought pregnancy would be super miserable and it really hasnt. I know ive been lucky so counting those blessings! Up until I really started showing which was around 24/26 weeks I would still forget that I was pregnant. 

How far along am I?
32 weeks 1 day

How am I feeling? 
Really good! I am definitely starting to get more uncomfortable and my sleep hasn't been quite as good. But I still am able to do pretty much whatever I want. 

How am I sleeping? 
I have good nights and bad nights. Sometimes its harder to fall asleep cuz Stanford wont settle down (he likes to start his just dance parties right when I'm ready to sleep). 

How is work going? 
Work is going really well and honestly has made the pregnancy fly. I still LOVE my job and feel so lucky to have work I am excited to go to almost everyday (no job makes you excited about every little thing haha).

Any movement from the baby yet?

How did our ultrasound go? 
My doctor requested that we see a Maternal/Fetal Doctor because I was recently diagnosed with a genetic condition and she wanted to be very conservative and be certain there was nothing we needed to do for the delivery because of it. We had a very thorough ultrasound before meeting the doctor, the tech took over 140 pictures haha. Long story short everything is totally fine he said that he would treat me the same as any other normal pregnancy despite the new diagnosis! This is what I was expecting based on what Ive read about my condition. The other good news is that Stanford was measuring in the 15th percentile at our 20 week appointment and this time around he was measuring in the 40th!

And for those who I havent told about my genetic condition, its a very not big deal. I have had a rash on my neck since I was about 7 that we always thought was a scar from an allergic reaction. Pregnancy made my rash change which I thought would be super odd if it was an actual scar. I went to the dermatologist and he realized pretty quickly what it was based on the unique presentation of the rash (most of which I couldn't see cuz its on the back of my neck). They did a biopsy to confirm! Basically all it means right now is that the rash wont ever go away, which for me was already what I had expected, Ive always had it so it wasn't a big deal. It could have other affects later in life, but it could also not, so I've chosen not to worry about it!

Am I craving anything?
Nope, still don't believe this is real haha

Any food aversions?
Also havent experience this

How’s the nursery coming along?
Great! We finally got our furniture last Friday and Ive been slowly picking out the addition things I want to add. All of my main furniture is from pottery barn kids. It was a little more expensive to go this route but everyone I know that has furniture from them has it for years and has been impressed with the long lasting quality. I bought a couple things that are basic and classic enough that I will want to use them again with any other kids we have in the future.