Seattle day 3

It was another busy day in seattle! Ballard Locks, Freemont Troll, Burgermaster, Underground Seattle Tour, and the Space Needle. And I totally dropped the ball on taking pictures of Travis, after my camera died I kind of gave up, so he took pictures on his phone of me all day.

First day in Seattle

Our first day was on Lake Samamish, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. I tried Surfing for the second time ever and almost got the hang of it. I love Washington, Its so pretty (I also haven't seen much rain in the two times I have been here, so maybe that would change?). So excited to take on Seattle in the morning!

Prepping for Seattle

5 day Seattle vacation, yes please!!!

Summer has been super crazy with Travis' internship, and my new job. At the beginning of the summer we knew we needed to book a trip to look forward to before school starts and a whole new kind of crazy starts.

So our Seattle trip was born. My parents are both from the Seattle area so I have been there once, but Travis has never been! I am so excited about this. Travis has an Aunt and Uncle that live in Woodinville (approx. 25 min from Seattle) and has never visited them! Gasp.

They are being generous enough to let us stay at their house, borrow one of their cars, and use their boat. *spoiled*

Tonight we need to pack and make sure we have our flight info and documents all ready. We also need to start looking up places to eat at while we are in Seattle. Here is what we plan to do, we haven't decided on the days yet but this is the basic schedule:

Day 0
Fly into Seattle at 10pm

Day 1
Needle day/night trip
Seattle Center
Underground Seattle tour
Eat delicious food

Day 2
Pikes place market
Ferry to Bainbridge island
Seattle Temple
Eat delicious food

Day 3
Mariners game
Eat delicious food

Day 4~Sunday
Travis to watch pre-recorded BYU game
Snoqualmie Falls

Day 5
Sleep in
Fly home

I also have a new toy to bring along and capture all of the fun! :)

Real philanthropy

So I read this awesome article the other day about Jon Huntsman. I don't know much about him, but his message was AWESOME.

“Through the compound impact of altruism, I came to understand that people are doing philanthropy wrong. People generally think about charitable work the wrong way. They think that when they’re older and comfortable they’ll give some amount of money to something but that’s not the way to do it. The way to do it is to get involved as early on as possible because, even if it’s just volunteer work or $5, the impact you’ll have over your lifetime is far greater than anything you could possibly do if you wait until you think you’re comfortable. You’ll never really feel you’re comfortable enough to give away your money but if you start now and start doing some volunteer work, donating a little bit here and there, over the next 40 years you’ll have a huge amount of impact and you’ll feel great about yourself.”-Biz Stone

This article has made me considered my own philanthropy. Do we have enough to give more? Yeah we probably do. So I started to think of ways to give that could actually make a difference.

This reminded me of a micro finance company, I did I trial account with probably over a year ago, KIVA. If you don't know much about micro finance, ITS AWESOME (click here to learn more). It allows those people in poorer circumstances, often in developing countries to take out a small loan to go towards building their business.

As they make the money back you get small payments as the investor. 97% of micro finance loans are paid back in full too. So really its a low risk investment. Its almost like you are buying a CD from the government except instead of accruing a tiny bit of interest, its helping someone make a living. Once you earn that money back you can re-invest it in another loan or you can withdraw it.

Basically you give a certain amount of money and choose someone among their many lists of people looking for an investment. Everyone has bios that explain their life, what they will be putting the money towards, etc. I like to choose women entrepreneurs whose goal is to either go to school themselves or send their children to school.

I think this will be something I will need to revisit at every phase of my life. Am I giving enough, can I  give more, am I giving to causes or organizations that can are actually making a difference (surprise surprise all charities are not created equal). I think giving creates a ripple. If we all can give just a little of ourselves and a little of our income we will be happier and that spreads.