I moved a lot growing up, so saying goodbye to friends became one of my hobbies.
During my first move at the age of 9, my best friend and I walked each other back and forth to each others houses until our parents forced us to say goodbye. It was hard. It made me sad. But I got through it.
Recently a bunch of my friends have decided to move on with their lives, and leave provo. I love seeing them live their dreams, but I am sad for them to go.
This week I had lunch with two of my best friends that are moving up to Salt Lake. I love those girls SO MUCH. Adrienne has been my friend for over 4 years now and we travelled the world together. Amanda got me through Grad School. I don't think I would have had nearly as much fun without her. Both of these women have taught me so much, and I am a better person for it. I don't think i'll find friends to replace them here.
Now Salt lake may not seem far away but with all of us working full time and in relationships (marriage for me) we might as well be halfway across the country. I am hoping I will see them more than my other friends who have moved away!
I guess all I can do is support them and keep in touch, so thats what I'll do.
Adrienne and I eating chocolate in Belgium
Amanda and I at Graduation
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