I cannot believe its September, where did this summer go. September to me is the start of the holiday season. There is one every month from this point on (Labor day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) Oh my Christmas is in 4 months, how in the world did that happen?!
August wasn't my hottest month when it came to goals. It happens.
August Goals:
1. Save up money instead of spending it.
Did so great at this until we bought a security system, but that felt like a good purchase (especially since it wasn't vivnt..)
2. Read 5 books.
Read 6, this is the goal I can consistently count on.
3. Go to the rec center 3 times a week (got this for my birthday and I'm SO EXCITED)
Didn't do so great at this. went 2x a week.
4. Really pay attention in our nightly gospel study.
Doing better but not up to where I want to be.
5. Stop checking my email right when I wake up, meditate and pray instead.
Major fail.
Although summer is over, I do feel like fall is a fresh start! Here's to hitting all of my goals this month.
1. Get to know more people in my ward (visiting teaching, go to an activity, etc)
2. Exercise at the rec center formally 3+x a week, take a walk everyday at work.
3. Start learning R programming (stay up on online class)
4. Read 5 books
5. Try 5 new recipes
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