Fun Caramel Apple Recipe

This weekend I got together with some of my girls and we made caramel apples while the boys watched football and played risk (it was a pretty boring football game). It was my first time making them, and I think they turned out pretty good considering! Definitely going to do this again soon.

Caramel recipe:

2 1/2 cups of brown sugar
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of light corn syrup
1 can of sweetened condensed milk

Bring sugar, butter, and corn syrup to a boil, then stir in the sweetened condensed milk. Stir on low to medium heat until medium call stage (drip some of the caramel into a cold glass of water, if you can pick up the caramel and roll it into a ball its good to go).

Dip your apples in the caramel making sure to let the caramel drip off the bottom (So you don't have a massive pool of caramel). Put them on a cookie sheet and let cool in the fridge.

Apples Toppings:

12-20 apples
White chocolate bark
Milk chocolate bark
Cinnamon sugar
Crushed health bar
(There are so many things you can do here, don't limit yourself! We just used what we already had)

In the meantime heat up your chocolate (we did ours in the microwave according to the package).

For some we dipped in white chocolate and then added cinnamon sugar (tastes like apple pie) and others we dipped in white chocolate, cooled, and dipped in milk chocolate and then added toppings.

My favorite kinds of apples to use in this recipe is Granny Smith, but any apple will work!

Photo cred: Hannah Olson

October Goals

September really got away from me, I can’t even begin to comprehend that it is OCTOBER. While I am not a huge fan of fall because I am not into pumpkin desserts (just give me chocolate okay?) and I don’t like how quickly winter comes here in Utah I am super excited for the holidays, sans halloween, I wish I liked it, but I just don’t. 

Here’s how I did on my september goals. Heads up, I killed them! 

1. Get to know more people in my ward (visiting teaching, go to an activity, etc)
Met with my companion, went visiting teaching, went to super saturday (and made a super cute fall/winter craft), and dropped something off to the girl who never got back to us. 
2. Exercise at the rec center formally 3+x a week, take a walk everyday at work.
Our rec center passes are so much fun!! I love going with Trav and feeling like we are so healthy. We try to go 3+times a week. Im also getting in at least 5 walks at work a week, keeps me sane. 
3. Start learning R programming (stay up on online class)
I started taking a pre-cursor class to the R class and finished it! Whoop whoop. I will be taking 2 more data science classes online for free during october (Thanks Coursera)
4. Read 5 books 
(Read the following 6 books: The secret Life of Bees, Thrive: The Third metric to redefining success, The millionaire next door,  Let it go, You are now Less dumb, and The final Empire: Mistobron #1) All great! 
5. Try 5 new recipes: we tried 5 new recipes. 
I’d recommend these 3 as the best! Garlic Ranch chicken- Id use chicken breasts instead of chicken thighs, Chicken Enchilada Zuchini Boats, and crock pot buffalo chicken

October Goals:

1. Finish 2 Courera courses R-programming and Getting and Cleaning Data 
2. Attend one class at the rec center per week
3. Don’t get on Social media during the hours of 6-10pm week nights
4. Get outside (walks, bike rides, hikes) while I still can! 

Happy Fall everyone!