Can I just gush more about my job? We went on a mountain biking activity that was AMAZING. We had Great Harvest for lunch, hit the trails for a couple hours (I have serious respect for mountain bikers), rested and rehydrated, went to the outlets (just a couple of the girls who were tired of biking), etc. BEST WORK DAY EVER.
Here's my amazing team minus Megan who took the picture. It was SO FUN! The best part was that I feel like my co-workers are my friends now.

After work was also a good time. My friend megan (not to be confused with co-worker megan) went out to Blue lemon for dinner. YUM. Then we went to Target, which we call the second happiest place on earth (only second to Disneyland)
Then late I picked up Travis at the frontrunner station, he stayed late at work to play on Activis' softball team. What a good day!
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