I got these cute photo decals from paperculture.com not only do they have cute stuff like this but they plant a tree for every order on their site! Cool Huh? I found them on Groupon and it was so fun to decide which 16 photos I wanted to document the last year of life. I decided not to include any wedding pictures since those are EVERYWHERE in our house already.
After 3-4 years of service it is time to retire my running shoes. I bought these back when I had ZERO money but wanted to start running more. They are super cheap nike's, but they did the trick. I managed to train for and run 2 half marathons. Planning on getting some new ones on my shopping/wicked weekend with my mom and sister!
Also, we have officially gone hillbilly. This is our reaction to no air conditioning. Looking up crazy DIY solutions. haha but it works great.
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