August Goals.

July Goals
1. Figure out a half marathon schedule and get to it. Check! 
2. Read 5 books. Check! read 8,  audio books on the commute are really upping my numbers. I also look forward to my commute each day because of it. Win/win. 
3. Find ways to be more intentional in my relationships (spend less time on social media and more time talking to people) and doing service. Doing better, especially with not letting work interfere with my home life. 
4. Re-get-to know my brother who gets home from his 2 year LDS mission in Spain next week! Ah so much fun having him home! 
5. Check 5 things off summer adventure list! ($5 tuesday, golf, new hike, picnic, housewarming party)

August Goals:
1. Save up money instead of spending it. 
2. Read 5 books
3. Go to the rec center 3 times a week (got this for my birthday and I'm SO EXCITED)
4. Really pay attention in our nightly gospel study
5. Stop checking my email right when I wake up, meditate and pray instead

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