We put in our backyard and got a fence! And now we are done with our major house additions. After shutters, the backyard, and the fence we are tapped on house projects/expenses! I am sure we will have small furniture or maintenance expenses in the near future, but I feel like our house is basically complete at this point. I absolutely love it, and wish I was able to spend more time at home.
If you haven't seen on my other social media channels, I have started my own business as a Shop Stevie rep. Its already been 6 weeks and I am so overwhelmed with the support people are giving me and the success its had already! I am also having a blast figuring this new small business out. I love that I am in charge, and that I decide where to go with it.
I have also started my first semester as a BYU-I online instructor! Ive been interested in teaching for a while, and this opportunity came up and I couldn't say no! I am teaching Introduction to Community Health this fall and am excited to get back into public health on a weekly basis.
I can definitely say I am excited for the Holidays coming up. We already have a Halloween party and Thanksgiving party we have been invited to outside of all of our family stuff. We also decided that this year we are going to stay home and actually pass out candy to the kids in our neighborhood for Halloween! I am SOO excited to just chill, watch disney channel halloween movies and meet more people in our neighborhood.
I may be working 80-90 hours a week right now between my 3 jobs, but I couldn't pass up any of these opportunities! Things are crazy, but I figure now is the time in my life to take risks and see where things can go. I am lucky to have a super supportive husband who is picking up the slack and supporting me in all my crazy ideas!
My sister took these amazing pics last weekend on the Alpine Loop!
Here's to the next few months of craziness. Before I know it it'll be 2017.
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