I did this really cool thing where I got paid to taste 4 different kinds of mashed potatoes from the BYU sensory lab. It felt super legit. I wish I could be a subject in more studies like this ;)
Today was also the last day of classes! And my last class with all of the 2nd years in my program. It was soooo sad. My friend Dave in the middle of his final project presentation announced that. :( I love the people in my program so much. It will be so weird to not have classes with them anymore. Sad. And I only have one more class. EVER. (Unless I do a phd or another masters, which is likely but not for a lot of years)
I gave two presentations today in class! My first one was awesome but extremely nerve racking. The assignment was to come up with our own Ted talk idea. I was on the last day, so there had already been some pretty fabulous talks given!
I was more nervous for this presentation than I have been for any others all semester because it was so personal. In case you were wondering, my talk was on reading! Haha I tried to tailor it to my audience and make it interesting to them, I think I did well because I got 5 questions after :) ill post the content tomorrow, cuz it's something I want people to see.
After I went to an introductory meeting to be a mentor for the teen advocacy program OUTRAGE. Which address anti smoking related initiative locally and at the state level. I am excited to mentor students and the group (I definitely have the most advocacy experience, and probably the most tobacco experience out of everyone there) it'll be fun to get my feet wet in advocacy again :)
Travis and I are going to his ward Christmas party tonight.... We don't have ugly Christmas sweaters tho :( I think I need to invest in some of those for next year! It's almost 2 weeks till we get married, ah! :) just gotta get past finals.
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