We got up at 7 am and started open opening presents! Travis got me a sweeeeet guitar because I have always wanted to learn :) I am so excited for him to teach me. I also got a bunch of clothes and perfume and make up from my parents. We got gift cards to Olive Garden, zupas, costco and costa vida as well. Travis really raked in the presents this year he got a day and 2 night skis at Brighton, soccer and golf gear, clothes, etc. he was most excited about kinetic sand (which he got from me and his parents) and his onesie pjs.
He also seemed to love the scrapbook I made him. He said if he knew how to cry he totally would have been. Haha
It was a success with my parents gift too, made them cry for the 3rd year in a row :) We bought them a beautiful wood picture of the Seattle temple (where they were married) and I made a book of all of our testimonies which also described how their examples helped to shape our testimonies. My mom lost it when she read Jake's (He is the favorite right now).
We got to talk to Travis' brother Quintin who is serving a mission in Gilbert, Arizona and my brother who is serving in Malaga, Spain. It was awesome to get to talk to Jake. He seems like he has already changed so much. He talked a ton too, which is cool cuz he never talked before he left, especially to me.
We are going with my family to a fancy dinner up at Sundanece later :) Christmas is so much fun!!!
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