
I had an amazing bachelorette party thrown last night by three of my best friends from high school. I invited 10 girls and 8 showed up, which was a pretty high success rate considering its finals week! It was such a blast. I was laughing the entire time. My friend hailey was laughing so hard she was crying at one point.

Delicious tomato basil soup and mini grilled cheeses, and what's a bachelorette party without the bra shaped sugar cookies??

I'm so grateful for all of my supportive friends :) can't wait to party with all my bridesmaids on the 27th and 28th :)

Today was a pretty full day, I had interviews scheduled most of the day, and in between I was returning things. I also worked on a special someone's Christmas present in between interviews :) I love Christmas so much!!! I love giving people things that make their eyes light up, and it's even better with a fiancĂ© :) I'm so excited for him to open his presents from me! 

9 more days! We are in the single digits people! 

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