Say hello to my new running shoes

I am beyond excited to finally have new shoes that should help me run better and without pain! Turns out when you get into serious running shoes they aren't quite as cute (i've been nike loyal for years, but they don't cut it anymore). I am hoping they help me succeed in my Half and my future running goals.

These shoes were also kind of expensive, but the great thing about Brooks Shoes is that they have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. Meaning you can actually run on them for a month and if they aren't working out you can return them/exchange them, no questions asked. Thats kind of what sold us.

I have only like 2 weeks left before the half, and I am kind of nervous after basically 3 weeks of down time.

Time to hit the pavement hard these last two weeks and really dedicate myself.

What are your go to running shoes?

1 comment

  1. Brooks are awesome, awesome shoes! I had a problem with my arches when I first started running so I had to stop wearing my beloved nikes too
