Europe tour 2012: Paris, France Part 1

We spent a ton of time in Paris, relative to how much time we spent in other cities, and it was worth it. I fell deeply in love with Paris. We stayed in the countryside in a little cottage about 45 minutes outside the city. IT WAS BREATHTAKINGLY beautiful. I knew I wasn't going to be able to fit everything thing we did in one post about paris so I split it up!

Paris was a little over halfway through our trip and by the time we got there we were EXHAUSTED. We ended up staying a whole day in our little cottage resting and watching how I met your mother only venturing out to find a little grocery store where we could buy food for lunch and dinner. We walked around that little town like no other! Something that no one tells you is how tiring being a tourist is, we really needed that day of rest!

I was obsessed with the Eiffel tower. Its an amazing piece of architecture. I just loved staring at it. Adrienne made fun of me for how obsessed I was with it. My only regret is we never got to see it glitter. The last train to our cottage left a few minutes before it glittered every night!

We also spent a whole day at the Louvre. You could spend a lifetime in there and still never see anything. And Notre Dame was also a sight to see. Such an ornate and unique cathedral.

On the next post: Arc De Triumph and Versailles among other things!

I get paid to ski sometimes

So remember how my job is amazing?

It is. Yesterday we had our offsite activity which was skiing! I slept in, went skiing with my work buddies, ate a free lunch at the lodge and then got home early. Honestly a perfect day.

Its so fun getting your friends jobs at the place you work. I get to hang out with friends I've known for years now since I brought them on to the company and get to make a bunch of new ones as well!

The best job ever

If you didn't already know, I have the best job ever. I work for an amazing company called Qualtrics. 

Last week Qualtrics hosted its second annual Qualtrics Insight Summit. A users conference if you will. I got to be staffing the conference for 3 days. I ran "Ask the Expert Sessions" where clients emailed us beforehand letting us know some of the big problems and issues they were having and we helped try to solve them. It was pretty intimidating, but turned out great. I was able to help a lot of people! 

The best part though was being able to take a break from my regular work responsibilities and do something different. We had some crazy amazing keynote speakers. My favorites were: Stephen Dubner (Author of Freakinomics), Paul Depodesta (The subject of Moneyball), Barbara Corcoran (Real estate buff from shark tank), and Teddy Goff (Head of Barak Obama's Digital Media Campiagn, had the most tweeted tweet and most shared Facebook post of all time).

Oh and the private Journey concert was pretty awesome as well. 

The postings on this site are my own and may not represent Qualtrics's positions, strategies or opinions.

That one time I forgot my bag

This weekend we went on a much needed little getaway to St. George. After a long week commuting to and working in Salt Lake for the Qualtrics Insight Summit I was ready for a weekend full of fun and family I haven't seen in a while.

We were able to see so many people! it was awesome! We stayed the first night at Travis' grandparents. Right when we pulled up to their house I asked Travis where he had put my bag. He stared at me blankly and was like uh I didn't put your bag in the car. I had a small meltdown. But in the end I actually had most of the clothes I needed. We only had to go to Target to buy some socks, 1 shirt, and a sweater.

Saturday we went golfing with Travis' grandma. The whole point of the trip was to try out the golf clubs my inlaws got me for Christmas. Other than I had a 100ft put of my life, I didn't play super well. I feel like now that I have my own clubs I need to practice and get good. haha

after golf we went to this awesome little vintage shop called Urban Renewel. I wanted to buy EVERYTHING. Maybe next time.

We headed up to my cousins house where 3 of my cousins and their families were already partying. before we went over we stopped at Fractured Prune Doughnuts, and picked up the most beautiful doughnuts I've ever seen. They were a huge hit!

Saturday night we stayed at my grandparents and went to church with them the next morning. After church we had dinner with them and my aunt and uncle and their two fun little kids.

We hit the road early because of the snow warnings. The trip back was a little scary at times, but we made it back safely, and refreshed. it was a great weekend!

Europe tour 2012: Lucerne/Zug, Switzerland

Switzerland was amazing. We were lucky enough to have some family friends to stay with in Zug. They were incredible hosts. They drove us through the countryside/mountains in a cute little red convertible, bought us some DIVINE chocolates, and introduced us to mozzarella sandwiches on fresh pretzel bread. They took also took us to the beautiful town of Lucerne, Switzerland. Which is what most of the pictures above are from.

Also, that sweater I am wearing in the last picture. bought it for $9 with the intent of disposing of it once Europe got too hot (happened somewhere in Italy I believe). I am not lying I was smart about my packing situation.

Two holidays one weekend

What a holiday weekend! This weekend was amazing! This weekend included:

-Valentines Day
-Breakfast in bed
-Roast dinners with 5 veggies and 2 fruits
-Catching up on Parks and Rec
-Games with family
-Presidents day house hunting
-Thai food
-Starting The Blacklist
