The best job ever

If you didn't already know, I have the best job ever. I work for an amazing company called Qualtrics. 

Last week Qualtrics hosted its second annual Qualtrics Insight Summit. A users conference if you will. I got to be staffing the conference for 3 days. I ran "Ask the Expert Sessions" where clients emailed us beforehand letting us know some of the big problems and issues they were having and we helped try to solve them. It was pretty intimidating, but turned out great. I was able to help a lot of people! 

The best part though was being able to take a break from my regular work responsibilities and do something different. We had some crazy amazing keynote speakers. My favorites were: Stephen Dubner (Author of Freakinomics), Paul Depodesta (The subject of Moneyball), Barbara Corcoran (Real estate buff from shark tank), and Teddy Goff (Head of Barak Obama's Digital Media Campiagn, had the most tweeted tweet and most shared Facebook post of all time).

Oh and the private Journey concert was pretty awesome as well. 

The postings on this site are my own and may not represent Qualtrics's positions, strategies or opinions.


  1. How cool! I love Qualtrics and use it a lot in my research!

  2. Thats awesome! what is your research about? I used it a lot for my masters thesis as well. Its a great company to work for!

  3. I'm getting my phd in clinical psychology so I mostly do survey-based alcohol research!

  4. That is so cool! My research was on tobacco use policies in state substance abuse and mental health facilities. Good luck with your research, I love hearing about people using qualtrics for good! :)
