This weekend we went on a much needed little getaway to St. George. After a long week commuting to and working in Salt Lake for the Qualtrics Insight Summit I was ready for a weekend full of fun and family I haven't seen in a while.
We were able to see so many people! it was awesome! We stayed the first night at Travis' grandparents. Right when we pulled up to their house I asked Travis where he had put my bag. He stared at me blankly and was like uh I didn't put your bag in the car. I had a small meltdown. But in the end I actually had most of the clothes I needed. We only had to go to Target to buy some socks, 1 shirt, and a sweater.
Saturday we went golfing with Travis' grandma. The whole point of the trip was to try out the golf clubs my inlaws got me for Christmas. Other than I had a 100ft put of my life, I didn't play super well. I feel like now that I have my own clubs I need to practice and get good. haha
after golf we went to this awesome little vintage shop called Urban Renewel. I wanted to buy EVERYTHING. Maybe next time.
We headed up to my cousins house where 3 of my cousins and their families were already partying. before we went over we stopped at Fractured Prune Doughnuts, and picked up the most beautiful doughnuts I've ever seen. They were a huge hit!
Saturday night we stayed at my grandparents and went to church with them the next morning. After church we had dinner with them and my aunt and uncle and their two fun little kids.
We hit the road early because of the snow warnings. The trip back was a little scary at times, but we made it back safely, and refreshed. it was a great weekend!
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