June Goals

I CANNOT believe it is already june. Holy mackerel. May FLEW by, because we had so many crazy adventures going on including a trip to the Philippines, a trip to San Diego, purchasing and moving into our new house, and a fun disneyland trip with my friends.

May Goals
1. Be active everyday, don't let work or other stressors get in the way of my health. 
Ive been doing awesome at this. I try to go on a walk, bike ride, or walk at our treadmill desks for at least half an hour a day and then supplement that with regular exercise. 
2. Post and create photo albums for the Philippines (can't wait to see all our pics)
I have posted 3 blog posts about our trip here, here and here. and I am about halfway through finishing up my shutter fly album! 
3. Move into and start organizing our house (figure out furniture, get settled)
BEST THING EVER!! I feel like our house is turning into a home, and our first big furniture purchases were a breeze. 
4. Figure out a new schedule with the new commute (sleep, meals, fun)
We are doing pretty great with this. We have a sleep and wake schedule figured out. Meals haven't changed that much other than we do most of our shopping on the weekend now. We have had a bunch of people over for dinner and its been so much fun! 
5. Kill it at work. 

Like I said May was a great month! June is also going to be awesome. I'm having my one year anniversary of working at Qualtrics, which I feel like is an awesome milestone. It will also be our 1.5 year anniversary at the end of the month! 

June Goals
1. Create a cleaning schedule for the house.
2. Read 5 books
3. Save up 5K for a new car, budget! 
4. Plan a house warming party/learn how to use our ice cream maker
5. Figure out some fun summer adventures around our new diggs. 

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