
I love coming up with surprise dates. They are so fun, and it drives Travis crazy and he guesses a million things when I tell him about a surprise date that's in the works!

When I saw a monster truck tour on citydeals I knew we had to go, not too pricy and we had no plans yet! Perfect. 

This is how it went down. We got home around 4 and watched some parks and rec, Travis kept guessing (he had actually guessed right once the night before, but I'm a rock and wouldn't let him ruin a surprise ;)). I told him I'd let him know once we were in the car. I made him drive and was like okay wanna know? And he was like no!!!! Tell me where to go and ill keep guessing. So once we got to west valley he guessed it and was stoked! 

I loved his childlike joy! I got pretty into it too (definitely more than expected) we each picked monster trucks that we were rooting for. 

They also had some tricky motocrossers and off roading trucks! It was a fun date night with my baby! I love doing things that are out of the ordinary, groupon like sites are my best friend because of this! 

Oh, and his truck won :/

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