My interviewer from Orca emailed me last night to ask if I could actually start working this week. I was a little hesitant because I have so much to do to get ready for this job (mostly organizing my other jobs) but I said yes. YIKES. I have started emailing one of the doctors I will be working with on an NIH grant. My assignment is to get familiar with the grant until Monday when we meet and discuss my roles and responsibilities.
I came back to attend an event put on by BYU's Social venture academy where my team won the highest prize for the Best Idea Competition with our MoveWell project. This is exciting cuz we can move forward with the process knowing that they like our idea!
Then I went running with my friend Megan, much needed since I haven't run in like 2 weeks and hadn't seen Megan in that long! Travis got free dinner at an engineering things so I made myself an asian chicken salad with Yoshida's sauce. If you haven't tried this stuff you need to, It's the most delicious sauce ever. You can buy it at costco. Yum!
In celebration of the Olympics I watched a documentary on Netflix that went through the Tanya Harding/ Nancy Kerrigan Debacl of the 1994 Olympics. FASCINATING. Tanya to this day denys having anything to do with the attack... I can't decide if I think she did or not. She definitely had a huge reason too, you can still tell from her interviews that she hates and envies Nancy, still. Yikes.

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