Saturday we woke up early (sort of) and had breakfast with Travis' grandparents and brother and Sister-in-law (Chuck and Brittany). Then we headed off to Zions national park to get some hiking in (it was so beautiful we couldn't pass up the opportunity).
The hike was INCREDIBLE. Seriously the coolest hike I have ever done. The last .5 miles the hike was drop off on both sides and there was chains to hold onto. YIKES. but seriously if you have the chance, do it. Thanks to my friend Megan for the suggestion!
After the glorious hike we went and visited my cousin who just moved to Hurricane, Utah. Her kids are SOOOO cute! They have the fattest baby ever. LOVE him.
Then we went to Sakura (Japanese grill) with Travis grandparents. The craziest thing happened. I went to pick up my water to take a swig, and the entire bottom of the glass came completely off. Water went EVERYWHERE. It was pretty hilarious. We also got forgotten by our waitress and our grill guy was super grumpy. but we still had a lot of fun. Afterwords we just hung out at their grandparents house with Chuck and Brittany and chatted till we went to bed.
Today we went to my grandparents ward. Th relief society lesson was incredible, I was in tears. Three women in the ward talked about accessing the atonement through trials. Then we went to my granparents and ate some delicious dinner and hung out with my aunt/uncle and their toddler Luke.
Our drive home was hilarious, I drove this time and Travis did thank you notes. He kept asking me a million questions about what he should write and then get frustrated by my "rules." He really screwed one of the notes up. It was a never ending source of laughter. So, sorry if that was yours!!
It was a wonderfully relaxing weekend right before things really get crazy for me. Starting my new job for real this week. I got my official job offer from my boss yesterday and got set up on all of our accounts. I am so excited :)
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