Feeling a little full of dreams today

As I was listening to this song today I started thinking about the mark I want to leave on the world.

I want to make the world a better place (as naive as that may sound, I believe everyone can have that level of influence). I have always wanted to do something important that makes peoples lives better. I don't need to be recognized for whatever it is I do, but I do want the satisfaction of knowing that I have had some part in making peoples lives better.

How am I going to make a difference? I don't know. 2 years ago I thought I knew what I would be doing. I was going to change the health of those in the US by being a lobbyist for healthy policies in DC. My life has changed a lot since then.

I no longer have the faith I used to in traditional public health. I guess that happens when you get thrust into the real world and work for the state for a year. I now have a job with a healthcare company. Unexpected to say the least.

  • Will my big change be in ensuring that patients have confidence and are less scared about their treatment plans? maybe, I think the world of healthcare is extremely intimidating and complicated for patients trying to navigate it, especially in extreme health circumstances.
  • Will my big change come through advocacy work I do with tobacco policy in Utah with youth? maybe, The policies may take years to change, but working with youth can be instantly rewarding and life changing.
  • Will the social venture company I am working with a team on be my big contribution? maybe, it has the potential to impact the lives of the poor in my community and empower them to improve their own health.
  • Will my contribution be to my own family as a sister, daughter, wife and mother? possibly, I think this is where people have the biggest potential for impact. I want to be the best I can in all of those roles.
  • Will my chance be in helping women realize their worth through important body image campaigns and gender role debates? Could be. I hope everyone by the end of my life understands my deep commitment to pushing forward women's issues that allow women to do what they want and be who they are. Everyone deserves to live out their dreams in this life whatever those may be, and the current culture doesn't allow all women to do this without scorn, objectification, and inequality.

I don't know what my future holds. I don't know how I will make a difference. All I know is that I will. The specific issues I support may change, but I always want my focus to be on helping make other peoples lives better.

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