December Goals

My November Progress:
1. Get all of my Christmas shopping done (hehe stoked)
We are almost done, just waiting on the last couple things! 

2. Buy Christmas decorations for the apartment 
Yes!!! I love everything we have up in our apartment, I'll be putting up a post soon! 

3. Plan a little trip with the Husband
Fail. Maybe next time.

4. Surpass last months visiting teaching progress
I was about on par with last month. I don't know why this is so hard for me.

5. Read 5 books this month
Only read 2. Oh well

My goals this month are a little less ambitious. My work has a full week off from christmas through new years, assuming I can get everything done in time. Its going to be crazy, but I want to get it all done so I can take that week off! 

December Goals:
1. Work hard enough to be able to take off the full Christmas week. 
2. Start new Christmas traditions with the husband.
3. Start practicing the guitar.
4. Send out wedding thank you's by the 28th- haha


  1. lucky you getting your shopping done early!!

    1. I love christmas so much! its hard not to get it done in June haha

  2. I am working over time to take off for Christmas too!

    1. I am lucky, i don't even have to work overtime. We automatically get it off. But if I have projects that aren't quite finished i may have to work! hopefully I can just get them done!

  3. i love that you post your goals here, that would help me stay much more accountable!


    1. Thanks! yeah its a lot better than just keeping them to myself!
