My Thanksgiving Half

I haven't reported on my half yet, which is a shame.

I am so glad I ran the thanksgiving half. It was beautiful weather, a beautiful course, and so much fun! I'll be honest it had its hard parts, but for the most part it was wonderful.

Unfortunately my mom dropped out that morning, but my wonderful husband ran it with me.

The first 6 or so miles of the race were tough. I wasn't feeling great, and it was difficult to keep running and not give up and walk. At about mid 5, Travis left me because my pace was hurting his knees. It actually helped for him to leave me, because I focused more on what felt good to me.

At about mile 9 I really hit my stride. I started running harder and faster, and it went by a lot quicker. about the last mile I was struggling to find the energy to continue, so I switched my playlist to christmas and it got my spirits up :)

I finished the race strong and less than 7 minutes before Travis. Eventhough Travis didn't train at all and was coming off an injury it still made me proud to be that close, I mean he's a foot taller than me so his stride is so much longer than mine.

The minute I found Travis again he said oh my gosh that was HORRIBLE. haha pretty sure he will never run one with me again, but I was happy to have the one experience once. He was a pretty good sport about the whole thing.

We immediately ran to the food table and gobbled down multiple rolls and hot chocolate. We walked around for a bit to keep away the soreness from immediately coming on.

I am so proud of myself for running my third half marathon and once again, not slowing down to a walk. Running is such a mind game for me. If I tell myself I refuse to walk I can make it 13.1 miles without walking. During training I could barely go 2 miles without walking, I just don't have the same drive during training.


  1. yay yay yay! so good for you Jess!!! :D
    I'm thinking of doing a half in the spring! so excited (and also scared! haha) but it means I have to train over the winter which I am not excited about :P

    1. DO IT!!! Just make sure you give yourself plenty of training time! Yeah Training in the winter is not my favorite. I think I only survived that because my work has a gym where I could run on the treadmill when I was bored or needed a break!

  2. love this!!! go girl! the half is my favorite distance by far. SUCH an accomplishment, but not horrible for your body like a full haha :)


    1. Thanks! I know, I don't think I'll ever be able to do a full marathon, because of the fact that its not even good for you!

  3. Woohooo! Such a cool accomplishment!! What was your training schedule/what would you change if you were to do it again?

    1. I did an 18 week training schedule running 4-5 days a week. I also did yoga twice a week to mix it up. I wasn't the greatest at getting my miles in on saturday there was always just so much I wanted to get done! I also would have liked not being out with hurt feet due to my shoes for 3 weeks of training!
