And just like that

And just like that summer ends and fall begins.

I had to use my seat warmers in the morning everyday this week *GASP*

Its crazy to me how quickly it changed from summer to fall (who knows with Utah though, it could change back to summer any day now).

Thinking back over summer I just can't help but smile. We got to do so many things. We had some big life events come and go this summer. Wow.

Things that happened: Graduated, went to Mexico to celebrate, Travis got a great internship, got laid off from my first job, finished and defended my thesis, officially graduated (like got my diploma), got an incredible job, bought our first car together, Tons of boating, St. George for my cousins baby blessing (yes, I have a cousin who is 3 months old), Working for the Shine Project, Temple dates, Stadium of fire, Travis' family reunion in Idaho, WICKED,  Ziplining, babysitting my siblings while my parents go on exotic vacations, Tennis, Travis finished his internship and left his mark (they begged him to stay), several wedding receptions, Real salt lake games with new friends, Seattle to celebrate the end of summer.

Man that was a lot, and I am sure I missed stuff.

Summer goals:

I  magically accomplished all of these :) Proud.

1. Finish MPH Project
2. Finish Systematic Review
3. Start practicing the guitar (only practiced a few times, want this to get more regular)
4. Attend the temple once a month
5. Plant a garden
6. Save and manage money
7. Go through stuff and take to DI
8. Get an awesome job
9. Exercise 3 times per week!

I haven't thought a ton about what I want to accomplish before the end of the year, but I am sure I'll write a post on it soon.

It was a great summer :)


  1. What the dolphin?? So cool! Hah and I've used my seat warmers every morning too! Big baby when it comes to the cold

  2. I can't believe summer is over! I'm very excited for fall, sweaters, hot chocolate and pumpkins, of course, but wait, what happened to the summer?! Oh, again, it's gone again!
