Spending time together, doing each others "things"

I was talking to someone a couple weeks ago and they talked about how as a couple him and his wife never do things together that the other loves. It made me so sad. And he seemed sad relaying it as well.

Doing things Travis enjoys makes me happy and makes him really happy. I am still working on trying to love his things like he does, but I think its a worthwhile cause.

My husband and I are VERY different. That was actually one of my hesitations with dating him in the first place.

We really enjoy different things. We like different sports, different food, and different movies.

He loves boating, skiing, soccer, football, Italian food, etc.

I love running, reading, biking, concerts, Mexican food, etc.

Sometimes I have to do things that I don't particularly like. But Travis does the same. We do them for each other and it brings us closer. Helps us understand each other better. Plus we have both grown to love unexpected things. I have really enjoyed learning to play soccer and he had no idea he liked cooking until we started doing it together.

I think it is really important to learn from and do things with each other. I love learning new things from travis and I love teaching him. Doing activities together is super important for us to stay connected and excited to be together.

I also love trying new things that neither of us have ever done. Its fun to create a memory doing something that we have only ever done with each other. When we were dating, we took a stained glass class, and decided it was something we totally want to get into when we are old. Its so fun to try new things together!

Loving. Learning. Growing.

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