Talks about women

Today we had an amazing women visit work today to talk to a group the woman at the company. I was eating the discussion up. Here are a fews Gems of the discussion:

-Work and life don't have to be at war with each other
- Put your whole heart into what you are doing right now, regardless of your plans for the future
- Develop a personal definition of progress and don't just chase after everything everyone tells you you should be chasing after
- Figure out what you love most and do it
- Don't let people "should" all over you (this was my favorite)

She really talked about leaning into whatever you are doing whether it be staying at home with children, working, or doing both. Work hard at whatever it is and forget about other peoples expectations for you.

Women are constantly criticized for everything they do it seems. I want to support the women in my life for all the good choices they are making for themselves and their families.

My job is awesome for bring people in that help change our perspectives and just be better.

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